
In 1975, in a natural quest for TRUTH, I came across my childhood bible which I “earned” through attendance and memorization, but really didn’t even know who Jesus was. And as I was about to toss it in the trash, I gave GOD a chance to reveal HIMSELF, whereupon the Bible fell open to the 11th Chapter of Daniel, and I read about the Vietnam War.

Now I’d had this Bible since BEFORE the Vietnam War, and knew that History couldn’t be written before it occurred, so I was puzzled as I put the Bible down. So I picked it back up and read the next passage about the Vietnam War Protesters, and still couldn’t figure out how this was happening. And not wanting to be tricked, I decided NOT to read the next verse, but would confuse “GOD” by reading the PRIOR verse:

Dan. 11:9 Then the latter shall come into the realm of the king of the south but shall return into his own land.

Of course I immediately recognized this as the Cuban Missile Crisis, in which my father wanted to build a fall-out shelter in our Southern California back yard.

Now I was in a quandary. I couldn’t reject what had been revealed and go back to my old life, so I decided to attend a church that my girl friend was attending, — where GOD touched my very essence and was FORMALLY SAVED.

Since that time I had been consistently reading and researching what Daniel’s prophecies were conveying with respect to fulfilled History, and in 1995 I documented my studies as Text Handout for a Daniel-Prophecy Class. — I had taught several previously, but without a Handout, and now have only recently had the opportunity to create a Homepage for anyone interested.

So where most presume the Book of Daniel to be a well settled Ancient History Fulfillment doctrine, –it’s not ancient, it’s MODERN –, exactly as the angel requires (Dan. 12:4 & 9); History documents; and I attempt to present.

With Very Best Regards, Collin P. Sadler